Hallinan Clothing Drive – Destination Imagination Team


Hi, we are having a clothing drive which is mainly focused on winter clothing but, we will accept toys, games, and books.  However we will NOT accept clothes in bad condition, this includes: stains, holes, rips, and other damages.  The clothing drive will be located at Hallinan Elementary School, in the lobby, (16800 Hawthrone Dr, Lake Oswego) from January 12th through January 16th.  Our goal is to receive and donate 1 ton (2,000 lbs.) to The Northwest Children’s Outreach.

The program we are helping is called, Northwest Children’s Outreach.  Northwest Children’s Outreach is a non-profit organization, made up entirely out of volunteers.  Their goal is to help kids of all ages that are in need of the essentials.  It is hard to imagine in our beautiful prosperous area, that there are kids lacking the basic necessities of food, shelter, and basic clothing.  Yet it is all true.  For these parents, diapers, children’s clothing, blankets, and formula have become almost impossible afford.  Northwest Children’s Outreach helps these parents, get, diapers, formula, children’s blankets, in well condition underwear and socks, car seats, gently used children’s clothing, baby bedding, strollers, shoes, toys, books, and travel size adult toiletries.

The unexpected can and will happen, but, you can help.  Even if you don’t have any clothing to donate, crack open your piggy bank and make a cash donation.  Even $1 can and will help.  Please, be a hero, come and donate, Thank You.

Allison Jaffe, Danielle Jaffe, Chloe Kim, Dash Kim, Lily McMullen, Zac Aghdaei

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